Oct | Nov 2021

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Editor’s Comment

>> Industry must embrace the talent agenda as fully as it has done sustainability

THE JURY HAS sat and the verdicts are in. The countdown to the 2021 Boat Builder Awards for Business Achievement, held in association with Raymarine, has officially begun.

Writing this directly after having chaired a lively, sometimes heated debate, among our panel of six judges as they deliberated which boatbuilders, equipment firms and individuals, should take top honours at this year’s Awards, the breadth and depth of our industry’s application and drive struck me – in short, it’s a very rewarding time to be spotlighting the best of our industry.

“The new normal may have encouraged more people out on the water – it has also made them question lifestyle and work conditions.”

Covid dominated the headlines in 2020, and 2021 will no doubt go down as the year we grappled with supply chain challenges; but beyond the battles, the industry’s making major advances in the innovation war.

Sustainability and the environment have been major drivers – reflected in the dynamic field of entries in that particular award category, but also mirrored in the number of collaborations evident as boatbuilders, suppliers and industries outside of marine, join forces for the greater good. Also telling was the healthy mix of award nominees and shortlisted companies – from major industry players punching their weight, to disruptive start-ups, pushing the innovation envelope.

Covid and the supply chain have been the source of industry headaches, but as we enter 2022, one suspects a new challenge will present itself – that of hiring and retaining the best personnel in numbers to sustain and drive the industry forward tomorrow. The new normal may have encouraged more people out on the water – it has also made people question their life styles and working conditions.

The quality of nominations for our Rising Star award, suggest the talent is there, but it’s an agenda the industry must embrace as fully as it has the drive to sustainability, if we are to ensure our own world has a bright future. For inspiration, one would only need to read the esteemed list of nominees for this year’s Life-Time Achievement award, proof if it were needed, that the boat business continues to have unique appeal.

The Boat Builder Awards 2021 winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 17, at a special ceremony during METSTRADE. For more information, visit www.metstrade.com/boatbuilder awards/

As always, IBI will be out in force at METSTRADE 2021,to report on and celebrate all the industry has been upto. We can’t wait to see you there. Drop by our stand # 01.485 to share your news or simply say hello.

Ed Slack | IBI Editor

Don’t miss the video embedded throughout the magazine as well as the METSTRADE 2021 Catalogue published and distributed by IBI with this issue.

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