Interviews & Insights – Page 5

  • Stefan_Carlsson

    Volvo Penta | Stefan Carlsson


    Head of Marine Diesel | Volvo Penta

  • Lutz_Henkel_01

    Bavaria | Lutz Henkel


    Renowned and respected, but unloved, Bavaria is undergoing a transformation. CEO Lutz Henkel reveals plans to build not just bigger boats, but to inject passion back into the brand

  • Article

    Volvo Penta | Göran Gummeson


    In April Göran Gummeson will retire from being the head of Volvo Penta to make way for Björn Ingemanson, previously president of Volvo Trucks International Division. In this interview IBI’s publisher Nick Hopkinson talks Göran through his tenure at the helm of one of the leisure marine industry’s most significant ...